Gness ink
God in Self
Coming Soon

Gness ink - God in Self - I n Krist.
We believe that all human beeings are born from the essence of the ONE true and living God who is the creator and sustanier of the heavens and earth and all within. In the beegining "man" was made in the image and likness of God as divine light (souls). After the creations of the earth souls entered into earthly vessels / bodies. This infusion of body mind and soul is the Self. But over the centuries we have been blinded by the darkness of the world and forget our true Higher Self as living Souls and we takem our lower earthly bodies as our true self. (More coming soon).
As living souls we are light, energy, power, consciousness within a physical form. It its the duty of every human beeing to eveolve spiritualy into our true higher self which is our fullest perfection. In this evolutionary process the power, gifts and talents within ALL of us are unlocked.
Here at Gness ink - we exporess soulfullfuness through the written word. Gness ink LLC was founded as a vechile to porduce music, book, screenplays etc to express soulfulness and shine light into the darkness of this world. Much more coming soon, we're only getting started.
Peace and blessings!